Monday, September 21, 2015

deep dish emergency

UK Neil sent me some deep dish pizza in exchange for his custom 2013 ingot.  The package arrived on Friday.  Was drooling over the thought of my meal as I fired up the grill that night.  Unfortunately, the grill hoses decided to burst into flames and melt (no injuries).  My 12 year old grill was showing its' age.  Put the still frozen pie back in the fridge and went right online to order a replacement.  Replacement parts for all that need replacement would cost more than the new (but smaller) grill.  It showed up this afternoon and I frantically assembled it in 2 hours.  Got a pizza in the oven tonight.  86,90,69, .32",B


  1. I hope you're enjoying it with a cold brewski.

  2. Age is catching up with everything out there, huh. It's catching up over here too.

  3. The Texas sun is relentless on everything unless shaded....

  4. Good thought rj. Yum, yum, yum. What a nice thing to do for you.

  5. A possessive form is a word or grammatical construction used to indicate a relationship of possession in a broad sense. When you're using "its" as a possessive, it does not take an apostrophe anywhere in the word.
    It's is used as a contraction of "it is."
