Monday, February 15, 2016

Monday Meme

Two posts in a row from a classless democrat...then another even worse.  Scalia's corpse isn't even cold yet and the left on Facebook are on fire with senseless BS...  68,77,47,0,B


  1. CNN tv said today that Mrs. Clinton will end up being the democratic nominee. I can at least be glad that my legal mother did not have a rasping, screaming, dictatorial voice ( like my children might have thought I had). And probably the Muslim male leaders of the world will respect her and like doing business with a woman.

  2. Benghazi situations are something to think about on her watch.

  3. As offensive as Trump is supposed to have been, I was amazed that everything he said has been spot-on. And I could elaborate.

  4. And by the way, Antonin Scalia's death was a tragedy. Cases hang in the balance like gun control and planned parenthood.

  5. The Internet has already changed after his death. Tech people are really quick. But it said Scalia said that African descent people should go to lesser universities (not U.T,) because they are less advanced. Holy Cow.

  6. When you have a lack of civility, you will have a lack of civilization and anarchy will be the end result.

  7. James Jackson and Abe Connally remind me of cockroaches & maggots - to purposely insult a fine man upon his death! Only the lowest forms of life, wait until their opponent dies - to attack him!

  8. CNN said President Obama plans to nominate the lady in his cabinet.

  9. I like what President Bush said - labels are for cans.

  10. Strange one of the articles says he died at home. He was found dead at the Cibollo Ranch close to Marfa. He failed to appear in the morning. When the owner of the ranch checked, they found him in bed under completely undisturbed covers with a pillow over his head. A judge declared over the phone he was dead of natural causes and they declined to do an autopsy.

  11. Yes. One pillow was at the top of his head against the headboard (not over his face). The other pillow was under his head. His family declined an autopsy because he had heart problems and other health issues. (Considering the party the evening before, maybe he imbibed too much for his heart).

  12. and then, of course, from the right wing thought leaders we have the usual conspiracy theories...

    No doubt, this was all engineered by Obama. Clearly.

  13. His bedclothes were unwrinkled they said on CNN.

  14. I don't know what happened -- I wasn't there. But an autopsy should have been ordered and under law should be performed in an unattended death especially when it was someone of such national importance.

  15. If there are is no evidence of foul play or suspicious circumstances, and there are no justices of the peace available, I believe the responsibility of determining the need for an autopsy falls to the presiding judge. In this case, Judge Cinderela Guevara. Before a body can be transported, law requires that the body be embalmed.

    Judge Guevara consulted with Scalia's personal physician about any existing health conditions before making a final determination as to cause of death. Scalia's existing heart condition coupled with his morbid obesity and age, I'm sure, factored in to the Judge's decision to rule natural causes. Of course, that doesn't mean that Obummer and Jade Helm 15 didn't have something to do with this...

  16. There is no way to determine the cause of death without an autopsy and this was no ordinary person who just happened to die in Texas. Now we will never know. However, that said, "let the dead bury the dead."

  17. An autopsy would not bring him back and what could anyone do about it? His loved ones wanted to let him rest in peace with dignity and have him back with them. I suppose.

  18. I think an autopsy would have been for us and would there have been repercussions for the people ordering it. At least we know if there is a mob hit and some one has been shot, they were shot and killed. But the most respectable people can do drugging and never be caught.

  19. Tony Scalia's death was an unmitigated blessing for the country. May he rot in hell forever for helping to delay America's response to man-caused global warming, as well as for his other lame votes.
    Sic Semper Tyrannis!

  20. John, I guess you haven't seen the ugliness directed toward our President on Facebook, otherwise you wouldn't be so aghast at these tasteless posts. This stuff gets spewed out by cretins on both sides.

    I'm sad for this man's family and friends, but can't help but feel hopeful that we've seen an end to the sort of judicial hijinks that Scalia represented on the court. Who can forget Scalia's excoriation of Obama's deportation-delay program, when the court struck down portions of Arizona's anti-immigration statute in 2012? The program Scalia railed against was not even part of the case, and in fact had not been announced when the case was argued. Scalia overstepped in a sickening partisan way. Hopefully his replacement will be a better justice.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. "John, I guess you haven't seen the ugliness directed toward our President"

    What is this "our President"???

    He is our employee.
    Its always been the right of the US citizen to poke fun at these puffed up overlords.


  23. Funny, Quinn! "Puffed up overlord" reminds me of Scalia, not Our President Obama (or Employee-in-Chief, to you). Carry on :-)
