Thursday, November 30, 2023


In case things go wrong tomorrow...
thanks for following along with The Field Lab journey.


  1. it's been privilege… and hopefully it continues - stay strong
    (please tell me you have someone there with you?)
    all the best moving through tomorrow!

  2. My friend and realtor Kerri Blackman will be here with me for a couple of days.

  3. I've enjoyed all of our conversations over the last few years and you've influenced a lot of how I want\expect to live when we move out to the desert full time (and I already had to give up flush toilets so thats my limit). My visions have you as my neighbor when that happens and I dont want to change them ! Good luck John!

  4. Been following your adventures from the beginning, and look forward to many more. Good luck.

  5. I am right here waiting in sickness and in health. Healing takes time. Lean on your stengths beyond yourself. I love you.

  6. macabre distractions - whilst whistling past, not wallowing in… ;^/
    You still have much to do… you bring water to the desert…
    samples: (more for the filming locations, esp. NYC -- it's a history romp too.)

  7. Been a reader since you started your Big Bend phase of life. Sometimes irritated with you, but always interested. Counting on that continuing......

  8. Thoughts and prayers for you John, hoping for a safe procedure and recovery back at your home.

  9. Praying for you John here in Terlingua. Hope to see you on my next trip from WA state. You got this!

  10. Mostly silent but my thoughts are with you! Praying for a great outcome. YOu and the lab must go on!

  11. Benn with the blog since the early days, will be praying for you John.

  12. I'm glad Kerri will be hanging out with you during this ordeal! You are going to be so happy when it's over. This old atheist is happy that you have your faith and all these prayers!

  13. hope things turn out well today.

  14. Been around from the git go. My day isn't complete until I check in with you, Good intentions coming your way from north Idaho. Not much of a prayer but today I said one for you.

  15. Among the many givings I gave thanks for last week was you. Your creativity, industry, artistry, self-sufficiency, community (animals especially) are endlessly inspirational. You’re a courageous and wise soul. I’d never have made it into the bronze age without you. Looking forward to you back in the saddle soon!
