Photo of the day has been picked by random from the archives. This series was shot a year ago (this weekend) before I purchased my land in '07. Its interesting to look at these photos and remember the feelings of all this being so foreign (and a bit scary) to me at first. Really foreign! Very nice to now feel so familiar with my surroundings. It really feels like home to me out here.
Life off the grid in the SW Texas desert. An experiment in sustainable living. NUMBERS AT THE END OF EACH BLOG POST: temp at 8PM,high temp,low temp,rainfall,wind conditions(CalmBreezyWindyGusty). YouTube Channel Daily live streams at
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Dinner out
Found out fairly quickly this morning that I needed to make another trip south to the hardware store. The last piece of the puzzle was connectors to wire up the stop switches correctly. Also had a hankerin' for some bacon and I needed gas so I killed 3 birds with one stone. I was startled to see the price of gas in Study Butte. $2.51 a gallon's falling so fast it freaks me out the same way it did when it shot up to over 4 bucks a gallon. This kind of price volatility is not a good thing - but I certainly appreciate much lower prices. About 10:30 when I got back home and made me some bacon and eggs. Started rewiring the battery house to clean up some loose ends and connect the line from turbines 3 & 4. Got it sorted out nicely but found I needed to add two more interior plywood walls to attach the additional wiring. By the time I cut and installed the sides, it was quit'n time. Had a beer...fed Benita...went to dinner at Chuck & Kathy's. Had good grub and hung out with their neighbors Nancy and Julianne. A fine time was had by all.
I hope to one day soon, be doing the same thing...time is short.