Saturday, October 25, 2008

Dinner out

Found out fairly quickly this morning that I needed to make another trip south to the hardware store. The last piece of the puzzle was connectors to wire up the stop switches correctly. Also had a hankerin' for some bacon and I needed gas so I killed 3 birds with one stone. I was startled to see the price of gas in Study Butte. $2.51 a gallon's falling so fast it freaks me out the same way it did when it shot up to over 4 bucks a gallon. This kind of price volatility is not a good thing - but I certainly appreciate much lower prices. About 10:30 when I got back home and made me some bacon and eggs. Started rewiring the battery house to clean up some loose ends and connect the line from turbines 3 & 4. Got it sorted out nicely but found I needed to add two more interior plywood walls to attach the additional wiring. By the time I cut and installed the sides, it was quit'n time. Had a beer...fed Benita...went to dinner at Chuck & Kathy's. Had good grub and hung out with their neighbors Nancy and Julianne. A fine time was had by all.

Photo of the day has been picked by random from the archives. This series was shot a year ago (this weekend) before I purchased my land in '07. Its interesting to look at these photos and remember the feelings of all this being so foreign (and a bit scary) to me at first. Really foreign! Very nice to now feel so familiar with my surroundings. It really feels like home to me out here.

1 comment:

  1. I hope to one day soon, be doing the same thing...time is short.
