Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Home again...

Woke up and left before Dan and family were awake. Loaded up the truck and trailer by 9AM and hit the road home a half hour later. Got back to the homestead at 6PM. The load travelled well and there were no problems. Got everything off the truck and trailer quickly.

While at Dan's I couldn't help but be a little jealous of his success in the photo world but there seems to be so much chaos and anxiety that goes with it. Reminded me of my glory days in Brooklyn - I just hope that my new life works out to be as good as it feels. My blood pressure finally resumed FieldLab levels after being home 2 hours. Benita was waiting by my driveway when I pulled in. No sign of her boyfriend Oscar. She followed me in and I put out some range feed and water for her right by the house. I sat and watched her have supper then she came over to me staying about 10 ft. away and I drank a beer and we stared at each other for about a half hour. Then I walked down my driveway to lure here away as I was getting ready to grill some chicken. She followed me to the grass and stayed there to graze so I could get on with my cooking. I reckon I will see he again in the morning. It's good to be home.

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