Monday, October 13, 2008


Long day today - no work...just driving and spending. Left for Alpine this morning at 7 AM. Still pitch black outside. The sun was just rising over the mountains as I came into town. Made a breakfast stop at McDonald's then headed over to the Antelope Lodge to look for my friends Abe and Josie. They were there with Abe's parents and Carolyn and Jim from Terlingua. Photo is of Abe and little Leo... this is the face of a baby that has found the secret of life - being potty trained before he can even say the word, potty.

Still seems strange that Abe, Josie and I have seen each other in person only twice in 2 years but I feel like we are old friends due to our internet connection and our shared passion for a sustainable lifestyle. It was great to see them again and meet his parents and brother.

After making sure not to miss them at the hotel, I went off and did my shopping run. Forty five minutes and $250 later, I was done. Went back to the motel and hung out with the group for a bit then we all went to lunch. Stuffed by a Texas Taco and a half gallon of ice tea, I stopped by the grocery store and grabbed a few items and headed home. Will have to go back on Friday to pick up my new revolver as it hadn't come in yet.

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