Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Long View...

The Saturday after Christmas has to be the truest of all days off. It was for me. Nothing of much consequence to report today - other than lots of wind last night and this morning. Noted that my 4 wind turbines combined are maxing out at about 500 watts in 30+ mph winds. Getting excited about what is in store for me next year. With that - I leave you with this parting shot of Christmas '08.


  1. About 42 amps/hour? Wow! How many batteries are you charging and are they Trojans? And, what is the total number of "usuable", stored amp hours at your disposal? Thanks and have a "Happy New Year"!

  2. Would be nice if the wind blew constantly at 30 mph - still waiting for Santa to arrive with a 130 watt solar panel to suppliment my wind turbines. No Trojans - I'm charging six 6 volt golf cart batteries - wired for 12 volts and roughly 600 amp hours total.
