Got to Alpine by 11 and made all the appropriate stops - dollar store, Alco, Johnson Feed, McCoys and just missed the weekend bank hours to deposit the $100 Christmas check from my stepmother ...I forgot it was Saturday.
Stopped by my friend Bennett Jones' house for a visit. He was being interviewed by a local newspaper - I was
there just in time to be included (press whore that I am). Chatted with Bennett for too long and then headed to the grocery story for a few more items as long as I was in town. Final stop was to gas up the truck and three 5 gallon gas cans. There sure are a lot of white pickups in Texas.

Got home at 4PM just in time to unload and find Mrs. H longhorn coming over for a snack (without her calves in tow). I put out some range feed at the end of my driveway when I left this morning. She found it late this afternoon. Decided to join her as she ate - I hung out close by so she will get used to me. Later I decided to pursue my new favorite pastime - trying to shoot a time lapse of the sunset. No luck tonight. Did however shoot a picture of me with my solar panels requested by the reporter I met at Bennet's. Back to work here at The Field Lab tomorrow.

Thats a nice looking sandwich.