Thursday, February 12, 2009

Yeah, It's all about Ben....again

Didn't get much done to day but I did learn that cinder blocks make good scratching posts. There seems to be a real lull at the Field Lab this week. I hope it is only because I plan on getting the green house project underway next week. Maybe I just need a brief break before the big push. Today: 1. Re-bladed turbine one and tilted it back into working position 2. Did NOT move my water tanks back into place 3. Dropped off some welding tips to Ben who has borrowed my welder 4. Gave a tour to 3 locals I met a couple of weeks ago 5. Checked Betty's wind turbine that had problems after the wind storm - all that was wrong was a cord had gotten tangled up in the rotor shaft of the blades 6. Fed my fab four longhorns and hung out with them.

The only saving grace of the day was #7. Checked Ben's progress at 5;30PM and he kicked ass again on day 2 of his project. It always makes me feel good to see something HAPPENING out here quickly - especially when it is a house springing out of the desert that I know will be completed, not halfway built and then abandoned like so many of the dwellings out here.


  1. I'm interested to know why Ben has built his home on stilts.

  2. Jar, I too wondered what the advantage to building up high on posts was? Air flow? Views?

  3. That makes three? Would like to know about it being raised up? For storage out of the sun? Thanks for the update. Sounds like you got plenty done today..

  4. That makes four...I too would like to know why his home is built on stilts.

    Is he planning on moving out there or is this a vacation home?

  5. I love the photo of the scratching longhorn! I read your blog with fascination, such a different lifestyle from my own. The desert is so beautiful.

  6. Is the house off the ground to provide shaded parking for cars or even a garage?
