Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Eternally Grateful!!

Low of 44 - high of 58. Slept in this morning till 8:30AM to the pitter patter of rain on my little bldg. Good and steady till about 10:30 then it stopped....just missed the flash into my dam by 10 minutes - that's all it took to fill the area to overflowing. My digital rain gauge and the NWS manual gauge measured exactly the same amount of rainfall since 7:45PM last night (.54"). Cold and breezy all day but at least the rain let up for the afternoon. Spent the day pumping water out of the reservoir into my tank. 1400 gallons by 5PM. The rain has started again tonight and I reckon the pool will fill and overflow yet again. Should have the 3000 gallon tank #1 filled by tomorrow noon. Here is a YouTube video of the success of the day. Won't even think about the thousands of gallons that got away this time.


  1. Beautiful and awesome video! Thanks for producing it for us.

  2. Congrats, we only got 2/10ths, just sprinkles today.

  3. Brilliant! Your plans all seem to pan out perfectly. Well done, sir!

  4. Praise The Lord!!...the rain came and the dam filled! I've been waiting and waiting to see that!
    I am an old construction dude, and have been so impressed with all that you have done...but, most of all, I have been waiting for this...the filling of the dam! Even old builders and construction dudes...they are impressed with the concept of... "moulding and sculpting the land" into something beautiful or functional!! This is really impressive! God is smiling upon this, and his multitudes of little animals are beginning to come home to you. Just dont drain it down!!...leave it viable for the new biosphere that you have created.

  5. is the time to plant bushes or trees around the perimeter of your oasis. They will live off of your pool, and support it...their roots will maintain the soil.

  6. Thunder I'm guessing the damn is for trapping water to be pumped into containers for use later. That arid ground won't hold water for long.

  7. dam, that's really cool. sorry couldn't help myself. we got the cold, but mostly misty sprinkles. i literally drove to work in the morning with the AC on and wished i had a jacket in the evening...spring is here!

  8. K1P,
    I don't understand? You mean you can't sustain a pool of water, a pond...down there? John has written several times about "the swimming hole", that is somewhere near his property. How can there be a "swimming hole" if the local weather/land, as you say...won't allow it??
    Just Wondering,
    Thunder Britches

  9. You're dad would be proud of that dam.

  10. Beautiful. When it rains it is the moment to spot the nicest place to do a small well. There are rivers that run underwater and the follow the water we see running.

    Water is such a gift we sometimes we do not realize the miracle of this cycle.

  11. Now that is the post I have been waiting for, as I have been reading from the beginning and all your new posts (3/17/11)... helps me choose my piece of paradise when I come shopping next month. Loved the video!!
