Sunday, May 24, 2009

Liquid Gold

It occurred to me last night that perhaps I inspired the dung beetle appearance by my rolling that big black tank down to the dam yesterday morning. Maybe not.... I didn't write anything yesterday because I fell asleep waiting for the Lot'o'Water video to upload to YouTube. Woke up at 11:40 with just enough time to get the links and photos posted.

Day two of being swamped in went nice and slow. Benita came by to hang out all day and keep me company. Took a go kart ride in the afternoon to check the condition of the road. The mile and a half from the Field Lab is good to go except for the final stretch to Capt. Kirk's turnoff. It's parts of the last mile from there to the HWY that usually is the worst and I haven't even gotten a look at it yet. Mostly sunny skies with a high of 98 with humidity at 9% - that should make all of the road good to go by tomorrow noonish. Need to get out soon because I'm running dangerously low on refrigerant.

Finally topped off the new 3000 gallon tank late in the day. I'm afraid the pool is closed until next storm.
When I talked to Chuck yesterday, he mentioned he was going to be having pizza for dinner. I started thinking pizza would be an excellent Field Lab dinner tonight and luckily I had all the parts to build one....


  1. Do you drink that water or is it just for non-potable uses? If you drink it (or plan to) what is the filter / purification strategy?

  2. So I'm assuming that your water storage capacity is full. That's great.
    That's a good looking pizza. Did you cook it in the solar oven?

  3. Hope your road dries soon so you can once again go eat at the Grub Shack but most importantly be able to pick up your camera at Chuck's.

    Thanks for including the daily temperature.

    BTW that pizza sure looks tasty.

  4. Exactly as rj asked.You now have 3000 gallons of muddy water. Now what?

  5. Irrigation water for the greenhouse

  6. Allen...Pizza does not cook well in a solar oven - I used the ol' propane grill.

  7. Hanna says glad to see you are becoming more responsive, or are you just getting Bord out there. OH OH it's making my tail wag.

  8. John, have you not found a way to filer that water to be able to drink it? There has to be a way to do that it would seem.

  9. Morn'n John,
    I found the best way to deal with filtration of 3000 gallons of old creek water is to go to town and buy a 30 pac of cheap beer. Top it off with a fresh home built pizza. Oh wait...that's what ya did.

  10. There are several good ways to filter that water to make it safe for drinking. One is to use distillation.

    The other way is to use a Berkey water purifier, I have one and I would drink that water if it had been run through my Berkey Light.
