Saturday, May 9, 2009


Only Chuck will be able to fully appreciate the title of today's blog. Just as well that the G9 is still in the hospital...nothing of note to photograph today. Baked a peach cobbler in the solar oven for Grub Shack Betty...and a loaf of bread for me. Low of 61 - High of 101 with some gusty winds all afternoon. Had a threat of a thunderstorm this afternoon which included a warning on NPR from the National Weather Service. The rain just missed the Field Lab, soaking areas SE of me. Only other task accomplished was gathering 4 buckets of sand for the mortar mix I will need to set the first course of cinder blocks. Fed some longhorns - flew a kite. Getting a big itch to get off the bench and back in the game. Sometimes I wonder what I'm waiting for... Photo of the day from mid June prototype swamp cooler.


  1. Hi John, When I met you this morning I felt like I already knew you. You look just like the guy I seen in them photos you post.
    Really enjoyed the guided grand tour you gave me today. Like I posted in my blog...this man has all his "maters" in one basket. Lug Nut and Sadie enjoyed the visit also. Just glad Lug Nut failed to see them cows at the end of your drive.
    Maybe see ya tomorrow at the Grub Shack if'n I don't forget to get up again.
    Thanks again.

  2. 80 percent of success is just showing up" — Woody Allen

  3. I was hoping you'd get some of this rain we've been getting, also. Mabey in the next few days...

  4. I was right!?? You say you're gathering sand for mortar mix for concrete block walls? You're going to build concrete block walls atop all four concrete pads/entryways to your "Container-Patio"...aren't you?? I can picture it now..John, you got a great imagination! I'm also imagining what you're going to do..."overhead". I think you mentioned welding steel trusses for overhead roofing supports?? I can't wait to see this happen! God's speed to you, and remember...don't overdo yourself..that heat is a killer!

    One of my tricks was always to keep a loose bandana tied around my neck...always kept it wet...when it started to dry out just re-wet it...kept my body temperature down...try it--it works.

  5. Just wanted to say that your problems with the Canon G9 have sparked some interests that have long laid dormant for me.

    After working as a photojournalist for years, I left my camera behind about fifteen years ago and stopped looking at things around me in any sort of focused way. Sure, I took snapshots, but I really gave up on seeing things purely.

    i've enjoyed reading your blog, and looking at your photos....but your travails with the G9 struck a vein in me. I actually went to local store and picked up a G10 (the G9 is evidently long past....) and it just felt right. I also handled a Leica camera or two, but the seemed a bit limited--street cameras, good for NYC, if you know what I mean.

    I also started taking pictures with my iPhone, but it is rather limited. So, I'll probably buy a G10 this week (better sensor but less focal length than the G9) and we'll see how this goes.

    Thanks! And keep up the good cooking and mixing that mud! I can see where you're going with the containers and the pours you've don so far.

  6. Noticed the lightening back over in your area, hope you are getting some moisture out of it.

    If you do, send some of it our way.
