Saturday, November 7, 2009


Long morning cooking breakfast. Set out to check some angles for the IP cam with the new long cable...discovered pretty quickly that I need a wider lens so I ordered one. I need a much tighter view with more detail. At least a week a way from finding just the right spot. Will be bouncing it around till then.

Fired up the new net book and downloaded software for my little webcam. All went well. Not too excited about the new tiny computer because I'm used to such a big screen. Sure it will find a worthwhile place at the Field Lab though...

To show how well the solar hot water system is working this time of year, I took two photos of the water temperature. Shot at 8AM and 5PM. The top number is the outside temp and the lower is the water temp. Not bad for an overnight low of 37 degrees.

Had an ISS flyover tonight and just barely caught it....two more good chances coming up for a better shot - one on Sunday and one on Monday. The trick is having enough ambient light for the foreground detail to show up just right with a long exposure that captures the trail of the space station. 67,85,37,0


  1. I'd gotten a tip about the ISS and clued several people around here in about it, but the ominous looking clouds in the southwest kept us from seeing it. I used to watch it in the DFW area quit a bit and really wanted to see it here to see how much difference in brightness there would be. Like you said though more viewing chances coming up.

  2. Nice catch of the flyover.

  3. Brilliant temperature on the solar water heater.

  4. Looks like your solar water heater is super efficient if your getting in the 80s with ambient 40 temps.

    I think you built that one yourself didnt you?


  6. Hey Neil...nice video, thx! John...more great shots. I hope you can get more ISS shots. BTW, what weather station do you have there?
    Other than the smallness, how do you like the performance of your new mini netbook?

  7. Was able to catch the ISS for the full 3 minutes tonight.

  8. My wife, Ok Hwa, can't stop talking about how resourceful you are. She was especially impressed with the solar shower, and the solar oven. Thanks again for making our trip special for us. We're back home now, sporting our "Field Lab" T-Shirts.
