Friday, November 27, 2009

a new day

First photo of the day is actually from yesterday....a very fine sunrise indeed. Today however, started off with a light drizzle and a cloudy morning that was not a very inspiring way to start the day. Chucked away at some chores and finally had to shut down my power systems to give the batteries a break. Just before logging off, I checked the weather radar an saw that the cloud cover would be leaving the area in about two hours so I took a nap.
Woke up just in time to see the sun finally break through around 2PM. Got back outside and put a primer coat on the bed frame for the woo room. Have to work up a new paint scheme as the old color clashes with the new bedding. Strait Guy With A Queer Eye. Just about finished the cover up when the soon to be happy couple (Bill and Caren) showed up to check in before the wedding tomorrow. Shot their last portrait as single virgins.
Tune in tomorrow afternoon for the live webcast of the nuptials at Pre game show starts at 4PM central time....the main event at 5PM.


  1. You are going to have a big day tomorrow. Being the officiant, hosting plus everything else you have to do. Enjoy and have a beer!

  2. John, a red sky at morning portends rain. Remember the old adage:

    Red sky at morning, sailor take warning. Red sky at night, sailor's delight.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Ted - you need to cite your sources... was that Joyce Kilmer who wrote "Trees"?

  5. Cool beans on the wedding John. What in the world did you do with Binetta though? I bet a babysitter for her cost a fortune.;)
