Saturday, November 21, 2009

sorta sorting

Dug through my worldly goods all day and found a couple of things I been lookin' for and lotsa thing to burn or trash. Baked another loaf of solar oven bread (with extra bacon and cheese). tended to Benita, and had a nice bonfire tonight. That is all... 55,75,29,0


  1. Very nice photo. What a beautiful night for a fire!

  2. Yep that is a very good photo! I guess you couldn't expect any less coming from John though.

  3. Such a warm and cozy image! Looks like you found your Christmas lights, and those together with the fire, and the chilly night sure give it that holiday feel.

    Hope all is well.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. I was going to tell you before I really like your stone stacked fire pit. I love sitting next to a fire, because you need to drink coolant due to the fire heating you up.

  5. You are living the life we envy, my friend.

  6. Warm, inviting and festive. I look forward to seeing your beautiful photos John. You have the ability to make everything look beautiful.
