Monday, November 2, 2009

Truss 5 Secured

Cooked a pound of bacon, made a loaf of bread, did laundry down in Study Butte (before the masses arrive for the Chili Cookoff), scooted truss 5 into place and welded it down. Benita is getting to the point now where she follows me around while I'm working. Pretty weird having a longhorn one step behind all day. Nice moonrise tonight. 65,93,36,0


  1. I was going to comment on the Cow following you around. I was watching you work on Truss #5 today, and every time you moved she had to go look and see what you were doing. It's amasing that she can get around in there without getting her horns all tangled up.

  2. Gorgeous moonrise photo. Any chance you might set up a time-lapse series of tomorrow's moonrise? I remember being concerned once that there might be a fire off to the east when a full moon was rising after dark. When I stayed up to see a repeat performance the next night was when I learned that moonrise times from one day to the next vary by a LOT more than sunrise times. Silly me for not paying attention and figuring that one out for myself a lot earlier.

  3. Daily Thoughts
    You can find on the outside only what you possess on the inside.

    --Adolfo Montiel Ballesteros

    Live your life each day as you would climb a mountain. An occasional glance toward the summit keeps the goal in mind, but many beautiful scenes are to be observed from each new vantage point.

    --Harold B. Melchart

    As a cure for worrying, work is better than whiskey.

    --Thomas A. Edison

  4. If you'd have waited until tomorrow to do laundry you'd have probably run in to me there. That's on my list for tomorrow as well as stocking up on groceries and I think I'll treat myself to a jug of booze to sip on while the chili cook off is going on. Maybe have my first hangover since I've been here.

    I don't know about that last thought of the day? Whiskey sure numbs worries until the next day while working with a hangover seems to cause more of them.

  5. beautiful photos, will be out there on the East Rim Ranch this week. Can't wait

  6. Just be careful that Benita doesn't start looking in your pockets for treats.

  7. You have a way with cameras. And longhorns :o) Hope you have a nice a bowl for me.

  8. Maybe if you feed Benita in one place (in a container) she will not think you are the proverbial "feed bag". Oh maybe she just likes your "cologne"!

  9. When are you going to make an offer on Benito?

  10. hey, I visited your place about 8 or so months ago with trevor and a friend, its good to see that the sand monsters haven't gotten you yet. it seems you have made some remarkable progress just since my visit, hope all is going well. will have to check your blog out more often to keep track of how life is going in the great beyond!
