Thursday, March 18, 2010

newest hand feeder...

Pretty much lost the day to minor chores, mindless errands, and a trip down south for laundry. Worked an hour on my new solar oven design to debut at the Terlingua Green Scene on April 10th. Shopping list shaping up for an Alpine run soon.

Cows on hand this afternoon and old friend Carmella learned the hand feeding trick. She's looking fat and milky so I reckon she will drop one in the next couple of weeks. 72,85,33,0


  1. Benita has the coolest horns..Makes me think of "Bath tub Bertha" in Mitchners book TEXAS.

  2. That is one fabulous front yard.

  3. Nice cow, have a treat! Good girl, now go play.

  4. Now that is Benita. I recognize her by her horns. I have way too much free time.
