Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Big plans for a productive day were pre-empted by multiple visits (all welcome, of course). First was my buddies...BillyBob and Ben. Then my rum friends came by to check the slow progress. Most of the day - my friend (Texas artist) Justin Warren Graham was out for the full tour. I have commissioned him to paint a portrait of Benita (and she was a no-show all day). After hanging out a couple of hours - I followed him on his way out and low and behold we found Benita about 2 miles away from the Field Lab. Just the right light for Justin to take a bunch of pictures and give her a scratch. Back and forth and in between the distractions - I managed to cut and place sheet metal inside my ice box. The wooden interior tends to get a little moldy with condensation during the hot summer months. Had to leave some gaps along the edges because I was attaching the metal with contact cement. I have learned over the years that contact cement is very unforgiving if the material is not placed exactly. Caulked the seams with Lexel. Will load it up with a block of ice and some refrigerant tomorrow. 77,95,51,0,C


  1. Neil..that's funny and makes me feel better as some times I feel like a stalker! Love the cooler.

  2. You commissioned a portrait of Benita? Wow, she is some lucky longhorn!!!

    Bet a few gentlemen reading this blog are hoping their wives don't read this post and get some ideas, lol :-)

  3. just idea, but would it help keep the ice box cooler if you bury it in the ground?

  4. Good to see the time lapse again, missed em. Good job Neil! thanx

  5. Thanks again for the hospitality on BB's and mines short visit John. As always I am impressed with the progress you have made. Wish I could get down more often but that long drive is getting to be a real pain for me. Maybe I need a MH like old Billy drives? :-)
