Monday, April 19, 2010


Early morning run to Alpine for parts ( mostly for the new solar oven tracking mechanism) - home by 12:30. Unpacked, fed the cow, ran south for more parts. The Ocotillos are all bloomed and finally leafing out after the last rain. Pulled the plug on my newly placed 3,000 gallon tank. Put in a new fitting with a gotta be fast when there is 1,400 gallons of water trying to come out a 2" hole - only lost about a gallon in the brief flood. Ran errands early because I had a really good feeling about one last bit of rain tonight... and it happened - slow steady rain from 7 - 9PM. 57,72,52,.15",B


  1. Lookin' good there, you Water Wrangler!

  2. Good work on the tank. I came over from Cut N Shoot and even had supper at The Starlight. That Axis venison burger is sure good. Now I know why you go there often.

  3. When you fill the tanks from the water on the ground do you filter it somehow? I love ocatillo in bloom...good pic.

  4. Still trying to figure out what your numbers are at the end of the post... Sent you and e-mail but no response. :(

  5. nice pic, I love desert flora.

  6. Ocatillo, that brings back great memories of my trip to Big Bend in which me and my kids went hiking on the window trail. Nice picture :) I've never seen an ocatillo in bloom!

  7. Lifewith,
    Its the temps and rainfall, explained several times recently in the blog.

  8. Per John Wells, March 29th 2010: "...the numbers I post are as follows: temp at 8PM, high temp of the day, low temp of the day, rainfall."

  9. those ocatillos this time of year.

  10. I'm watching the counter. Is there something in store for #300,000?

  11. Yippee!

    (Still loving your story, Mr. Wells.)
