Tuesday, June 1, 2010


My buddy Mr.Brown (and Field Lab visitor last year) received his official limited edition Field Lab tshirt today...#001! Please continue to send photos so I can post them all on flickr. Once I get a bunch of pics - will post the link here.

1. Thanks for all the nice comments about my Aunt passing. She was the best!
2. Received several emails today that the shirts are being delivered to their new owners.
3. Rigged the ceiling vent for the Pepino.
4. Installed a drain on Pepino
5, Dismantled the old fire pit - time for new/bigger rocks.
6. Installed new weather stripping on my front door (see #7)
7. Conenose beetle season has started.
8. Delivered dinner to Benita at 7PM...2 miles from the Field Lab.
9. 82,105,66,0,C
10. Uploaded 2 new videos over the weekend


  1. Got my shirt.... Awesome work. Especially like the extras.
    I'll get a pic in a few days and email.

  2. When I get my t-shirt... I can't wait til' someone asks me- "What the hell is the field lab?"
    And of course the answer is- " It's where the future happens...now"

  3. I love the shirt John ... I think the chicks will dig it.

  4. Got the package, cool!
    I already know what picture I will send but I need to wait until next Tuesday...

  5. Received the shirt (#25) and extras today in rainy Washington State.

  6. #20 Just arrived. My city slicker coworkers don't understand my delight, but I don't care.

  7. John, you should be ashamed of yourself for putting that poor Conenose beetle in that bottle! I just squashed the one I found in the dungeon. (A couple of weeks ago)

  8. not to worry tff....he had already drowned in my swamp cooler.

  9. I love my shirt and the other little goodies that came along with it. Thank you John!
