Sunday, July 25, 2010

lizard buddy...

Spent the morning hours watching the desert dry from yesterday's rain.  The plants are gonna really love it.  The road should be good to go by tomorrow afternoon.   Found this small lizard looking for flies on top of one of my 1 qt. dutch ovens.  He was only about 3" long from nose to tail.  I was able to photograph him on macro from only an inch away from his face.  Not always that easy to get a up so close and personal to a wild creature.
Changed the oil in the generator and finally got around to some more spaying late this afternoon.  The sprayer was giving me a hard time - but after cleaning it out 3 times, if finally did the job correctly.  Got kind of windy after 2 hours on the ladder so I only managed to get some spots touched up and the east end tips primed.  To finish the center sections, it will be a lot of up and down on the ladder.  83,92,69, .02", B


  1. Ummm,about painting those centers, Wonder with all your Ruth Goldburg thinking, how bout a LONG extension handle thingie and some way to pull the spray trigger?

  2. Ben....I like to be up close and personal with my with my lizards.

  3. I think he's trying to sell you car insurance!

  4. John, all that up and down on the ladder will keep you trim and lovely for the plant lady.

  5. Don't get too excited...the plant lady is married. As long as I don't fall off, up and down the ladder will keep me trim and healthy - not so sure about lovely.

  6. Oooo what a find. I've been thinking of building a house of containers too. I've been linked here from Jetson Green, if you keep track of that sort of thing.

    Keep up the good work, I'll be a new reader!

    & good luck!
