Wednesday, August 4, 2010

cold steel...

The roof is coming together so quickly, I took the day off for some engineering to insure the that the progress will continue.

Happy Birthday to the best friend I have out here.  I am proud to know you (and your wife - my second best friend).  Here's to many more happy years for us all in the desert.  94,104,70,0 B


  1. John, I must admit, I yearn to be able to live your way of life. The place is really looking great! Are you getting much energy from your windmills?

  2. I do consider us friends...maybe not best ones...but I don't have a wife.
    Oooh..wait...never mind ;D

    Great photo...nice perspective.

  3. Thanks for this photo. It allows us to see the full perspective of the roof. I assume the center (24 ft.?) section will be for the clear material. I guess the two solid roofing sections on each end will help to keep the containers cool in the sun. That, and all that white paint. What a fine project you have created here!

  4. I believe John took the wind generators down. Correct me if I am wrong.

  5. I'm sure it's in the plans, but rain gutters will be needed soon. That much surface area and the height of that drop will dig a pretty good trench I imagine with water pouring off of the roof.

  6. Absolutely beautiful! You put Frank Lloyd Wright and Paolo Soleri to shame ;-)

    Can't wait to see what you are planning on growing....

  7. Yessirreebob, Matt. You're right about the gutters. Rain pouring off that roof will dig a trench like you wouldn't believe. I'm assuming that John plans to catch that rain in containers at one end or tuther.

  8. Holy Bat Cave Robin!!

  9. I am guessing the exposed edge of the purlins is for the water catchment device yet to be constructed. Correctomundo?
