Friday, August 6, 2010

west end flush...

Clamped down yesterdays cut piece of roofing for the SW end this morning - marked and trimmed the purlins accordingly then screwed it down.  Later in the day, I cut the roofing piece for the NW edge.  Repeated the morning routine.

Thanks for the skill saw tip....hadn't even thought of that.  Seeing how I don't have that blade for the saw but I do have 20 cutting blades for the grinder - I went ahead with what I had.  A straight line and a steady hand is all I need for now.  Only 2 more cuts to go.  Will take the good advice if I ever need to cut a lot of roofing.  92,101,73,0,B


  1. What are you going to do with all the water !!!!

  2. Yes, once you get the catchment system set up, and the storage tanks in place, you're going to be harvesting a tremendous amount of water off this roof. What a great secondary benifit.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. John, I think I have one of the cutoff blades for a skill saw if you need it. I'll have to locate it if so.
