Thursday, September 9, 2010

stick bug season...

Nice big stick bug greeted me on my glass door this morning.  Easy day clearing rock from the NW edge.  Eight wheelbarrow loads of the small debris moved out of sight.  Saved the biggest ones for a new stack.  Got a trace of rain late this afternoon that showed up as the drip edge off the new roofing - soon to be caught with the new gutters coming next week.  84,102,70,T,C


  1. Gutters are our friend

  2. Hey John, your Texas Mom is still watching you.

    I like your walking stick. Did you know that they were carnivores? I didn't until I saw one eating a fly. I took a couple of pictures of it. See the two pics next to the bottom of my old blog:

  3. Amazing creatures nature creates...

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. What happens to the cairn when cows use it as a rubbing post?
