Saturday, October 2, 2010


Got all but the final two half sheets of metal up today.  By the time I was prepped to screw 'em down - the afternoon winds arrived.  That is "it" for the metal...the last section will be transparent polycarbonate.  This will give the greenhouse a window for the low winter sun and enough shade to cut the sunlight in half during the high sun summer months.  79,90,53,0,B


  1. I had similar questions as others raised in yesterday's blog entry about the translucent portion of the roof, and I figured, based on previous efforts on his part, that John had everything carefully calculated and planned. Sure enough he does! Neat idea.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. im just thinking out loud , but think you are gonna need more sun than what u have planned for the plants.

    but time will tell . you could always change up the pannels later if you need to.

  4. In South Texas we often need shade more than sun. My small greenhouse has two shade cloth overlays providing almost 70% shade. With that said, some vegetables do need full sun all day; the obvious solution is to grow them outside the greenhouse. Probably the ideal situation allows shade cloths to be retracted as necessary.

  5. once again a great soundtrack, neil

  6. some sort of celebration is in order soon. I think you are about to reach a milestone!

  7. Uh. John. What's the deal with the pay phone?


  8. Fantastic design JW...and Neil, I think this is my favorite field lab timelapse so far, thanks!
