Saturday, October 16, 2010


Did some more prep work on the next pour to come.  Heaved Walter around the greenhouse next to my pallet of concrete - greased his gears - added some oil - gassed him up and with 12 pulls he came to life.
Met up with Julianne at the GrubShack this afternoon to pick up the roof rack from her.  Took 2 hours to assemble it - now I just have to figure out how to get it into place on the bed of my truck.  Jose obviously remembered our new bond and followed me around all day as I worked.  Almost like having my faithful dog Goldie back.  76,88,47,0,C


  1. Awww. He's cute :) Does he get snacks and water in his own personalized feed bowl soon?

  2. JW, donkeys are very much like big puppy dogs. I have miniatures donkeys. My oldest is 27 yo. I love their easy going personality. Hope to meet you, Benita and Jose some day. Your place is looking great.
