Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Cut 7 cinder blocks in half the long way to fit them in for the last foundation pour. Lots of noise and lots of dust but my trusty circ saw did the job.  Me thinks the masonry blade is just about spent.  Looking forward to the last big pour of the season along the NW edge of the greenhouse - and getting it over with.  60,82,37,0,B


  1. Glad to see you were able to get somethig done today after we left. I was hoping we weren't keeping you from the project. It was a great visit. Thanks for spending some time with us. Ok Hwa is up for the video of her on Benita's back, playing her ukulele!

  2. when's the polycarbonate panels due in?
    You've got it lookin good!

  3. Allen....hope you can swing by one more time before you head home - I forgot to get a photo of you and Ok Hwa.....Frito....I have the polycarbonate here-going up soon.

  4. Very interested in your Greenhouse. I spent most of my working days managing greenhouses. If I can help just ask.

  5. John,
    We'll swing by on our way out tomorrow (Thursday) morning.

  6. thanks Larry....I might just take you up on that....
