Monday, November 22, 2010


Had a very high low overnight.  Beautiful GrubShack breakfast, laundry, and longhorns. Cranked up the Bike'0'Worsher then bottled another batch of Kombucha and put the word out that I had a spare scoby up for adoption. 

My friend Teren from the Ghost Town piped in and will get the delivery tomorrow.  No roofing - just busy work at TFL due to windy conditions.  Worsh went well and the clothes were dry in 20 minutes thanks to the breeze and the sun.  Benita had two friends in tow all day today.  They all got along famously.  Here she is napping with one of them.  60,83,60,0,W


  1. Pictures 1, 2, and 3:
    1. Yum!
    2. Hum Drum
    3. New Chum

  2. Sir Wells,
    That is a righteous looking breakfast!
    clean clothes, happy cattle, well fed hombre, what nore can a man ask for?

  3. Nice brekkie. Wonder why such warm low? I bet it was wind out of the south? I really do appreciate ya keepin these weather records JW! thanks, Bryce

  4. We are having very warm weather for November. 81 yesterday, about the same today. Here in East Texas.

  5. I was enjoying a bowl of Norhtern Beans when I saw your Breakfast Sandwich ,,and all I could think of was splash of Hot Sauce and a big Coffee woud make that sandwich into the perfect breakfast meal. I wish you had some pics of the BIG DAMN with a BIG LAKE's worth of water behind it , maybe next big rain ,, huh???

  6. I think the Grubshack should name a breakfast sandwich after you.

    I could not remember what you usually have and I did not want to appear "touristy" and bring up your name, so I had something else from the menu.
