Tuesday, December 14, 2010

resonant frequency...

Just a bit too breezy to tackle some polycarbonate.  Got started but these panels are so big'n'light they want to fly in the slightest wind.  Resigned myself to drilling and screwing instead.  Late in the day I removed the shade panels on my front porch ahead of what is supposed to be a gusty warm day tomorrow.  This time of year I don't need the panels as their primary purpose is to block the morning and afternoon sun from heating up my swamp cooler.

An interesting anomaly occurred since I ran that string line up on top of the greenhouse roof.  Seems it has turned my structure into a giant sound sculpture.  Wind out of the SW makes the tin sing.  Working on a video I shot of the phenomenon today and will post it later.  Rumor has it the phones and internet will be going down for a couple of hours tonight for a system wide upgrade so getting the blog out early.  58,78,30,0,B  hmmmm....phone and DSL still functioning at 7PM - so here is the video.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sesg70tMQbA


  1. could be a type of harmonic convergence, the Geminid meteror shower was early this morning- I don't doubt if they are related, but it makes an interesting thought.

  2. Very soothing sound. String line=guitar string, roof=sound board.

    Very nifty.

  3. Ooh, you should set up a second string and adjust the tightness until you make a chord.

  4. maybe it's from space and your structure is a giant antenna, like the Movie Contact. Jodie Foster hasn't visited you has she?
    Has she got one of your T-shirts?

  5. If you want to hear some real harmonic sounds tie your aluminum extension ladder on your pickup rack and drive down the road at around 65 - 70 MPH. You will think you are going into orbit.

  6. Your greenhouse resonance woke my dog up from his deep slumber this morning, and caused him to move to another room. Maybe you could keep it around as a coyote repellant.


  7. Very BIG wind chime! And I thought you were building a greenhouse.

  8. Just watched the video. I think you could have the world's largest musical instrument! Beneficial side effect to a job well done!
