Saturday, January 8, 2011

first storm a bust...

First predicted thunderstorm of the season looked like it had potential but only provided a brief sprinkle, no thunder, but at least some nice sky detail.  Got two more pieces of polycarbonate installed and was just about to start the third when the clouds rolled in and the winds picked up.  Almost forgot what it was like to scramble for the storm...that wasn't.  57,72,34,T,B


  1. I saw the cloud go over but I didn't even get a sprinkle here behind Ghost Town.

  2. Some day you will finish it, provided no clouds wind people visiting or anything else that could distract. Hmmmm maybe by next new years? I know look whos talking

  3. I hope you get the roof done soon, and the rains come soon thereafter! When you get the catchment system for the greenhouse roof done, you're going to harvest an incredible amount of water there.
