Sunday, January 2, 2011

Stuff Shifter

So glad we are in the dry season right now.  Perfect time to start clearing and saving while being able to leave the stuff outside till it all gets sorted out.  Each item needs to find a new home or be parted with...which is rather tricky because I need to empty two of my shipping containers and clear the courtyard.  I think I am on a week long binge to adjust the belongings and belongnots-a big Rubik's cube.  Feels good to clear the palate for the new year. 50,63,33,0,C 


  1. Here is a writeup off what someone did to seal the floor of their containers.

    This keeps the organophosphate based pesticides in the floor and out of you.

  2. Zen and the art of container stuff managment- I like it!

  3. Looks like the makings of a good yard sale. Only thing is, what you get rid of today you will need next week.

  4. JLP, ain't that the truth! Few days go by when I don't think of something I should have brought down here, but didn't and really could use it now.

  5. JW - from the look of the one container, you'd rather be in Hawaii? :-)

    A good clean out - just what the doctor ordered to start a new year on the right foot.

  6. Yes, jettisoning collected stuff is cathartic. Unburden yourself!

    Photo 2 is looking good!
