Wednesday, February 2, 2011


The SW Texas desert is in the deep freeze...but no rolling blackouts at TFL today.  This is the first time I have experienced sub freezing temperatures for a 24 hour period since moving to the desert.  Beats the hell out of below zero temps for months at a time back in upstate NY.  I think I can live with the cold for a couple of days.  No need to wait till late April here - we should be back in the 70's by next week.  15,26,14,0,W


  1. 2 or 3 days of this crap is too damn long! Looks like Sunday should be about right.

  2. Personally, I can't believe it's going to be 19 degrees tomorrow morning in Tucson. Yes, Tucson! Soon the desert heat will be upon us all....thank God!

  3. At least you guys don't have 10" of snow on ground with 4-5 foot drifts across the east-west roads like here in Oklahoma.

  4. We're just a bit north of you and we dipped down to 0 this morning, the water tank has been frozen solid for 2 days... at least the sun is slightly shining this morning, enough to bump the batteries a bit...

    Keep warm!

  5. I've been stuck in Abilene, TX since Monday. I-20 covered in ice. Boss just called and informed me that if I will not drive on the ice he's sending a tow truck for me tomorrow. I wish them luck getting here.

  6. I had my first "Rolling Blackout" yesterday. Got through it okay with the help of a generator.

    It still sucked. Schools and Universities had to shut down for two days to provide power for homes. I blame this on the EPA not letting us build more powerplants. At least we are figuring out how to make solar work and this will drive more of us off the grid. Independence is a wonderful thing.

  7. So where is Benita during all this cold? She needs a snuggi.

  8. It is kind of amazing how when in the south you get used to the warmth, and then it dips down for a couple days and we consider it a hardship but when we lived in the North (I am from NH now living in GA for the last 19 years) 30 degrees meant that spring was on the way, lol. Anyway, this seems to have been the coldest year in a long time. I won't mention why I think that is but I bet it isn't all because of nature!

  9. Becky, the reason people in the south have problems when it gets colder than normal, is the same reason people in the northern areas have trouble when it gets hotter than normal, you aren't prepared for it, in the south we don't ordinarily have such bitterly cold weather so we don't have the infrastructure set up for it, our road crews don't have the resources to deal with frozen roads, people's homes and other buildings are not built to take such cold, just the same thing that happens when a (usually northern) area that usually has mild summers, when they get a real heat wave, they suffer because they don't have air conditioners and such.

    I'll say that this cold snap has shut down much of the US where it hit the hardest. I'll also say that the 30 degree days that are coming will seem like spring after going through 0-5 degree nights. :)


  10. I (Also from NY) remember when reaching 0 degrees again was a good thing(from 10 or 20 below). But now that I am acclimated to this climate, I just cannot take this cold stuff.
