Tuesday, March 22, 2011

tank bath

Morning duty precision cutting some OSB for Chuck.  High winds for about 5 hours today so did housework and took a nap.  Capped off the day hosing down the inside of the skanky tank.  Sump pump in a 55 gallon barrel of water'n'bleach gave me good sanitizing pressure for the interior bath.  81,93,55,0,W


  1. Bleach is a versatile fluid. Not only can it bleach and clean but it can be used in drinking water to purify it. Since you store drinking water, do you add chlorine bleach to it?

  2. JW, My adopted brother tells me you were in the San Antonio Express News on Sunday... seems it is getting crowded out in Terlingua... or at least that is what he said the "slant" of the article was... seems you might be in need of a name change to PW! (light hearted jab, no harm intended)

  3. DD....once I start using my catchment off the greenhouse roof, I won't add bleach-hate the idea of using chemicals with my pure Texas rainwater. Just a sediment, charcoal, and UV filter for the potable portion.

  4. T2 looks like the coolest coffee table ever.

  5. Hi John,

    How about a second live web cam facing the West desert so your blogees can look at the desert, passing critters and the beautiful sunsets?

    Ron Wells

  6. Here for our catchment of rain water from the roof, we use filters consisting of gravel. This catches all the twigs and leaves etc. that come in with the rain water. We have containers made of cement block that hold the gravel and the water runs through these containers before entering our cistern. It could also be as simple as a large bucket of gravel for the water to pass through. A wire screen prior to the gravel catches the biggest stuff and is easier to clean of debris.

  7. You still amaze me with what you can do with just a little.

    I see you had the most important tool for the job. How many Natty's did it take for the job?

  8. I love the postcard set. I've shown them to lots of people and will take them the elementary school where I work to show the kids I work with. I find the photos restful.

    I suggest a "series II" of postcards and bookmarks of Benita, you and Goldie and all the pictures, really.

  9. I finally got a look at your full web site on the home computer- lot more than the mobile site, and it answered many of the questions I had, esp. about the power supply. Kinda thought it would take more batteries, but if it's workin'...
    If you get time, check out John Bedini's site. Friend of mine built a couple of these gizmos and they do charge a battery in nothing flat- for free, no wind needed.

  10. Nice bath for the water tank. Glad to see you're not planning to use bleach in your drinking water. Where the water source is questionable it is needed, but in your case, pure rain water, why mess with perfection. Hope you get some rain soon.
