Saturday, April 2, 2011

the way it was...

Glad I could catch a few people off guard with the April Fools prank post.  Just an Alpine trip, parts, calf bonding supplies, solar panels , and a pomegranate plant from Bennett Jones. 

Reluctantly - at the last minute I opted out of the Terlingua Green Scene this year.  Nothing earthshaking to show off and I really needed a break from crowds and talking about my projects.  According to the schedule of events - there was plenty going on and I seriously doubt that my presence was missed.  There are tons of folks out here doing miraculous things in the desert.
Just some quality time with very good friends at the GrubShack, some precious solitude, and Benita.  86,99,53,0,B


  1. You seriously had me going there...but I wouldn't doubt an offer from NG 'cause you have some good stuff going on!

  2. Everyone needs some "private" time to themselves to unwind and just relax without any outside pressure.

  3. We didn't stay at the Green Scene over about an hour. I probably missed most of the good stuff, but didn't want to stay there all day to see it.

  4. Well, all our love and respect for what you are and represent from the other end of our planet.

    This is George and Eleni, Greek residents in the Mediterranean island of Cyprus:)

  5. looks like yer settling into the solitude. I found that after a few years of being a good part of community in Alaska when I was there, I just really enjoyed being by myself.

  6. JW I have been missing the live cam. Is it off line? Did Floppy eat it again?

    Ron Wells

  7. "Milk Replacers"? I never knew there was such a thing. You're going to get that new little cow spoiled in a hurry. That's what grandpas do best!

  8. "Milk Replacers"? I never knew there was such a thing. You're going to get that new little cow spoiled in a hurry. That's what grandpas do best!
