Thursday, May 19, 2011

addn to the dam...

My friend Fred Porter began the final phase on the dam project today....more material on top and a spillway to be added tomorrow.  Just ordered 7 cu yds of sand to be delivered next week to level the courtyard.  Planning another Alpine trip again soon to order pavers and obtain an outdoor welding permit.

Had some off time this afternoon and took advantage of an opportunity to upload a new video to YouTube.  Benita is not usually in the mood for interaction when she is laying down.  Today she was in the "zone" and appreciated the extra attention.

Yet another new critter scooted by The Field Lab this morning.  And no...I won't kill them unless they pose a threat or become a problem.  This badger ran off right after I took his picture.    90,101,69,0,B


  1. "Badgers, Badgers, we don't need no stinkin'

  2. Amazing how the critters snoop out food and water even when humans are around....

  3. Very interesting markings on that little guy.

  4. Just a big 'ole puppy dog! Good thing she doesn't turn her head with a "wha...?"- cause it'd be "oww- my eye"!
    That is one huge rack!
    Badgers are cool- thought it was another skunk. Badgers are one of the few animals that can back down a bear, but I don't think they're a threat to humans, but I still don't think I would hand-feed one.
    Video was cool; thank you!

  5. Benita was lovin it! Especially that sweet spot about a minute in. I miss having cows to pet.

  6. The dam seems like a very OPTIMISTIC undertaking. I imagine any water it captures will evaporate rather rapidly out there.

  7. Why Alpine for the welding permit? What you posted yesterday said the permit came from your county commissioner. In our case, Kathy Killingsworth. Have they changed the rules again already?

  8. Badgers????

    Of all the animals I would never thought I would never see in Texas, a badger!

    I really think that Badgers are probably the coolest and most interesting species in North America (next to Benita of course) I hope that Badger has a nice comfortable (and well fed) life out in Terlingua.

  9. two silly comments from suburbia......ordering sand in a desert? and, welding permits in the middle of nowhere....yikes, the long arm of the govvie!

    ps nice video

  10. Cowabunga Dude! What have you been puttin in Benita's cubes? That's purty laid back right there......

  11. John,

    Check out this link on the badger:

    Having one around is rare.

  12. Bureaucratic curiosity ... you can build a dam but have to have an outdoor welding permit? I am good and truly befuddled.

  13. There are a lot of badger holes around here. Mainly in the critter fields) Some of the holes are just a few yards from here, but I've yet to see one.

  14. It is amazing how the animal kingdom communicates things like where to find food and water. The cow told the donkey who told the rabbits who told the skunk and the badger who told the - - -

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. How cool is that badger and you for not killing a creature unless there is a real need. Good for you, makes me luv ya more. I hate senseless killings of any creature.

  17. Certain badgers are snake killers and in my opinion a dead snake is a good snake. You don't hear many stories about someone being attacked by a badger. I'd damn sure keep the 45 handy though. hehe

  18. I think you found her "B" spot..thanks for showing a video she is just so lovely, that Benita has a great spirit.


  19. I think you found her "B" spot..thanks for posting a video of her, that Benita is something I just lover her.


  20. sorry I tried to post did not think it went through therefore I have posted twice..
