Tuesday, May 10, 2011

field trip...

Field Lab Field Trip today to check out a new good neighbor's container project....building a house with six 45' shipping containers.  This guy is my new hero!  Really inspires me want to get my greenhouse finished.

Transplanted some of my pre-greenhouse plants today into bigger buckets with store bought dirt.  Got a best new Palo Verde sprout happening - 2 year old seeds from my Crazy Aunt Jean's house in Phoenix.  91,100,76,0,B 


  1. I really like the looks of that house. I like the way part of it will be surrounded by dirt - should be a nice cool spot in the desert. Hope you will keep us posted on it with some photos.

  2. THAT is sooooo cool ... so neato.

  3. The house is cool... one more reason why I need to learn to weld.

  4. I'd imagine that house is not cool at all for right now. I'm sure it will be that way once its insulated and finished though. Very interesting!

  5. I'm wary about container construction because of solar issues--are these big ovens when the sun is out, as some people have said? Or does the embedding some levels in the earth (earthship-style) resolve overheating issues?

  6. I would imagine the combination of the location of the containers in the side of the hill, good insulation, and the "floating" roof should help keep the heating issues down by a large degree.

  7. There is a product called Supertherm Ceramic Insulation that is being used in some "container" houses that, according to the manufacturer, is the equivilant to R-19 insulation. It is an interesting concept, if it works.

  8. Richard...I've read about super therm...going to try some on one of my containers to see if it really works.

  9. JW, I know many, many people who have used Super Therm on their bus conversions which is very similar to a steel container. It's the most recommended product out there by life long bus dwellers.

  10. forgot to post these with my last comment:



  11. Did he do a load calculation ? Have you by chance. John, for the greenhouse ?

  12. Here's a link to a shipping container house you might find interesting:


  13. how far from yur project this new neighbor three container home ? would like see it also when touring the area this summer . keep us posted please.(more photos) THANKS if so

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Do you have any updates on your neighbor's container home? I hope to do something similar. Thanks.
