Wednesday, May 4, 2011

this little piggy...

Found just what I needed (as usual) at Bee Mountain Hardware...replaced two sections of fuel line and finished moving water from far to near without a gas or water leak.
Received new shoes to field test at TFL today...just had to try'em.
Pretty comfy so far but a bit tricky getting my piggies in line.
Little volunteer in my pomegranate plant.
New calf spotted near TFL this afternoon.


  1. That's a beautitul photo of the cattle!

  2. About those Shoes, or socks. Whatever they are. Why not save all the money and just paint your feet. You got cans of Field Lab spray paint laying around. :-)

  3. Be careful around the young ones the mothers are unpredictable ,just a thought

  4. You are sporting a pair of KSOs, and although it's a great "shoe" I would recommend the KSO Treks since it has a leather (kangaroo no less) top and a more robust sole. I believe they would would be better suited to your milieu. You'll need to build up your calf and foot muscles, but the FFs are the best! I ran (slowly slowly) the Paris Marathon in a pair of FFs without injury.

  5. I guess you can't wear a normal pair of socks with those shoes. I bet they can give you blisters where you never had them before. . .

  6. Great pictures. Love the shoes, always wondered how they would work.

  7. Great markings on the new calf - deserved of a JW special name for sure!

  8. You'll have to let us know how the shoes pan out. I love being barefoot...but the bottoms of my feet are pretty wimpy for all the puncturing type plants that thrive here in Tejas. It's a lot of dinero to drop on a pair of strange your unbiased review will be super.
    All the Best...

  9. Please let us know how the shoes hold up with regard to sticker/pricker/sharp rock protection. Thanks,

  10. Re: the volunteer sprout. Looks like magenta spreen.
