Friday, May 13, 2011

tiny houses...(Wednesday, May 11)

Spent the day inside while longhorns milled around in the yard.  Digging through the internet for ideas for the container house (mostly looking at interior layout and finishes).  Just got a call tonight from my Mueller Steel delivery driver - he's due to arrive with the rest of my greenhouse parts on Friday morning.

How big a house do I really need when my yard is 2,613,600 sq.ft.?
from my friend Bennett Jones in Alpine
from my friend Cesar Vera in NYC


  1. i'm liking the one-level homes. it just seems so much more reasonable for a middle aged person (like myself). laughed at the "space saving stairs" in the cube. thank you for sharing.

  2. Here are a couple of my favorite links that have some very interesting ideas for outfitting the inside of small spaces.

    This one is particularly entertaining.

  3. Small is good, but there is a point when claustrophobia kicks in.

  4. John, you're already off to a good start, since you live in a tiny space right now. Take a good look at your current living space and write down what you love about it and want to keep, and what you don't love about it and can do away with. Got enough storage space, or need more? Are there things inside that you don't use? Wish you had something but don't have a place to put it? Design around your actual needs. From my observation, your living space is used for sleeping and computing. You have outdoor facilities, and rarely cook, at least not indoors. So your container just needs to be a comfortable living space for sleeping, lounging, and surfing the 'net :)

    99% of the tiny houses on the internet are "models" that are not designed to actually be lived in. Small cabin cruisers and sailboats are some of the best designed small spaces on the planet, followed by small RV's, though each are designed for multiple occupancy, not for us single people.

  5. This five-container home seems a little bit much for one guy out in the desert, but maybe not if your field lab draws them in for eco-visits by the dozens...

    I mainly liked the last slide, which is just the stacked layout of the five original containers before the construction.

    Yehudis from Jerusalem

  6. This is unusual -- no post from you. Are you okay?

  7. the blogger site was down....will get caught up tonight. Thanks for checking.

  8. Life's the pits and then there's Blogger.

  9. Those links on tiny houses aregreat! Thanks for posting them.

  10. remember the More House you have the more you have to Heat and Clean ....

  11. Here's another one you might be interested in...

  12. How do you get internet connection so far out? I am in South Texas and have really download issues?
    Boyd McClean

  13. Interesting links. We just purchased a small travel trailer, the Scamp 13'. The thirteen feet include the tongue of the trailer, with only ten feet of living space. That's ten by about seven and a half feet wide. I am amazed by the excellent space utilization of this small trailer. Can't wait to go camping in it.

  14. Our architect office partner has designed and built a tiny city cottage that could be of interest to you. Here's the link.

    City Cottage

    Your location is not exactly citylike, but I can imagine this cottage in desert surroundings.
