Sunday, June 26, 2011

found the bottom...

Made it down to 30" this morning and decided hole #1 is done since it's too hard to reach much deeper to pull out the debris.  Just in time for more grunt work, I picked up from Just Me today - 10 pairs of leather work gloves from Harbor Freight in Odessa.

Received an email 3 days ago from my newest best friend Karen Lafferty from Med-Trans Corporation (the medivac helicopter service) that it was time to renew my subscription.  They sent me a notice in the mail over a month ago and I forgot all about it.  If you live out here it is an important thing to consider - otherwise that emergency flight to the hospital will cost a fortune.  To sign up, go to, click on Join Today and select CareStar’s logo from the enrollment page.  (Note in the photo - the other important membeship all Americans should have.)  102.111,72,0,B


  1. Well John....Good thing you stopped that hole at,30 inches...I have a mental picture of Benita lifting you out of there by the seat of your pants with a sharp horn...

  2. I remember well the similar work Don and I did in excavating a pit for our composting outhouse. One inch of soil - then solid rock all the way down. Since it was 3.5 foot by 3,5 foot - we could get down in the pit to throw out the rocks. The deeper we dug, the thicker the rock slabs were and we had to quit when the rock slabs got to be 5 inches thick. So we simply raised the outhouse up - with a thicker foundation.

  3. Something about ambulance and NRA combined seems, well interesting, I guess you are saying that if you shoot yourself or some other self then the ambulance is all ready paid for, so no worry.

  4. At first glance, I started hearing the theme music from JAWS in my head and couldn't figure out why. Then I expanded the photo and found out that it was because I couldn't remember what soundtrack accompanied Crocodile Dundee. I see the 5-toe shoes have been replaced with the surprise return of the crocs. Have you considered replacement soles for those?

  5. Photo #1 is priceless. These new self portraits you're making are very nice. So, the title of this photo could be "Holes", for the one you're evidently being swallowed up by, and the holes in the bottom of your Crocs.

    Good work gloves are essential.

    By the stickers on your door, you have a couple more essentials covered, also.

    Good luck on the next hole...

  6. The NRA isn't what it once was and while they claim to represent all gun owners and their rights, they fall short too often. The Second Amendment Foundation gets my dollars these days.
