Saturday, June 25, 2011

Friday Night SNAFU

1.  Generator wouldn't start...Penelope and a friend helped me get it going.

2.  Down to 2 feet in the hole now...1 foot to go.

3.  Came home from dinner on Mt. McKenna and found a problem with my electrical and phone systems due to a very bad cow....more info tonight.  99,108,69,0,C


  1. Something must have tasted good to them. Hope they didn't get a shock out of it.

  2. I was watching last night after you left for dinner. Lots of cows came by and then there was no stream. Bad cows!!

  3. I thought we were going to have to send out Fire and Rescue. Ain't like you not to post daily.

  4. It was most likley one of those calves that did the chewing.

  5. In that bedrock you have there if you are trying to hold something down.Dig a large hole about 1 foot down then with your hammerer drill about six hole in bottom at slight angle insert rebar in the holes then heat sulphur to a liquid an pour around rebar (Do not let sulphur ignite).

  6. thanks for the advice Ted...but I'm fresh out of sulphur.

  7. Ted, you know John. He's just doing it for the exercise. ;)

  8. John, how long has it been now sense you have shaved?

  9. howdy sledge....been 6 years since I shaved...used just clippers...haven't used a razor in over 15 years
