Saturday, June 18, 2011

just bein' neighborly...

Day off at TFL.  Helped Chuck with some construction at his place in the morning...till it got HOT.  Made a water run down to Study Butte and ended up driving my north neighbors Fred and Mario back to their ranch - one of their trucks broke down. buddy Czar was in Vegas researching fountains for my greenhouse.  99,112,68,0,C


  1. I wonder if Czar might not have been researching something besides fountains?

    Fountains like they use there take a lot of power and have to have nearly pure water so you might as well invest in more solar and some awful good water filters. No telling what the gizmos that remove all bubbles from the water would cost?

  2. Woops... I guess I should have taken a closer look at the picture. I was thinking the water jet fountains. ;)

  3. I love Fred and Mario...glad you were there to help.

  4. What about a rock waterfall into a pond

  5. Of course instead of some silly wind-blown woman you would have a statue of Bonita, I'm sure.

  6. Humm... an artificial oasis in the desert. Imagine the animals you would have then....
