Monday, June 13, 2011

magic dust...

Pulled the forms off the threshold pour.  A bit of funky flaking on top as well as some bunny claw marks, but all was well.

Porter Construction started hauling out sodium bentonite for the dam today.


  1. ha! Even animals like to leave their signature in wet cement. Just be happy it wasn't Benita or Mr. Floppy :D

  2. The bunny claw marks are almost as good as a Benita hoof print.
    I have always wanted to use bentonite but never thought I could afford it. I hope it works out well for you and that you have water year round.

  3. I will be interested to see how this goes...have a seepy earthen dam I've considered adding betonite to. Have read you can add it even when there is water behind the dam. But at the rate we're going here, that will be a moot point.

  4. When I saw Benita in the background of your photo, and the obstacle course of equipment you had in front of it, I thought maybe she'd find a way through. But Bunny prints is definitely preferable - and smaller LOL.

    Weird, we were also talking about adding bentonite to our dam last night!

  5. Nifty - the Sodium Bentonite.

    I read that it's non-toxic and some actually take it as a laxative. Perhaps then you may find the constitution of those cow droppings will change should they use this as a watering hole!

    Just hope it doesn't blow away before you get enough moisture to keep it in place... seems by the photo to be quite powdery and light.

  6. John, That flaking will continue because the tops dried faster than the deeper concrete. To avoid flaking, place wet burlap over the top and keep damp for a day or so. In hot weather like you have, chemical retardant is used to slow the curing to stop the glazing. The wet burlap works also.

  7. That's a lot of loose material. Are you going to have to wheel barrow it over to the dam?

  8. John....I would like a few pics of your rainwater system when you get a few minutes...I dont wanna bother you with the deatails..I think I can fugure it out with a few more pics..stay cool my friend,Doug
