Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Got the north beam welded into place this morning.  The cow already knows where the new late day shade will be.  Ominous weather in the area so I shot down south for last minute provisions.  Storms to the left of me...storms to the right - just 2 hours of drizzle here.  Not enough to add to the pond - a better chance tomorrow afternoon.  I had a feeling that I wouldn't get a gusher because Benita stayed close by all day.  Usually when a big storm is coming, she takes off.  I wouldn't be surprised if her horns tell her how bad the weather is going to be. 

Hiked around after the 2 hour drizzle and checked a resurrection fern coming back to life on my south 20 and the queen mother of FL Cat's Eye plants with a millipede crawling around.  84,109,78, .17, B


  1. Ethereal plant pics.

    Paying attention to Benita's comings and goings as they relate to weather could probably yield some insightful new information. Is the lizard still hanging around her?

    Good luck with tomorrow's chance for rain.

  2. Hey, you already had one rain this summer. Tommorrow is my turn. I haven't had any yet, not even a drizzle.

  3. On the weather and temps -- does the "B" mean breezy or balmy?

  4. looking at your interior pics,I was wondering what the pvc pipe is next to the ceiling in your kitchen?

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