Sunday, July 17, 2011

stick in the mud...

Woke up a little earlier than usual.  Today marks 8 years since I have used an alarm clock.  A little breakfast and 3 cups of tea and I was out the door at 7:45AM.  Finished the pour on post #3 by 8:40.  Way to much day left to quit now so I moved all the hole debris and one load of cow poo out of the work zone.  Clocked out at 11:30.  Not bad for a Sunday morning.

Part of the reason I chose Texas as my new home is because of political affiliation.  It hadn't occurred to me that perhaps there was another reason why Texas is a red state.  95,106,72,0,W


  1. BTW, about you fixing up the cows tails with ribbons and stuff. I'm beginning to worry. First time I see one of them with lipstick and mascara I'm calling the law. :-)

  2. red would be Democrat i assume although not sure...
    Texas because of "Tom Delay" redistricting become "Republican majority" being really Democratic majority on the ground....but Perry still hanging out there. In places like Big Bend i would not imagine one being Republican as all need Goverment there....(Roads,Schools,community Health services, medicaid for children, Goverment and private Jobs, electricity,water, Public Services etc)
    But i might be mistaken on blue or red meaning. please excuse if so.


  4. Im glad your a Texan John.

    You tought a lot of people techniques that they have incorported into their dwellings and their lives.

    The rain will come in September, October. Always has, always will. By the way, we will have an early winter. Mother nature likes to balence things out.

  5. Eight years is a great achievement. It must really feel good to rely on your internal clock for guidance. Congratulations!

  6. Stick in the mud and a rock face in the dirt...Do you see it?

  7. YU WROTE : I began my journey in December 2007. Along for the ride was my trusty old dog, Goldie. She was with me at the beginning of construction out here in the desert - my constant companion. At 17 years of age, she had multiple health issues and finally had to be put down in March. She was a great pal and a real trouper. Her favorite pastimes here in the desert were sleeping in the shade, constantly keeping me within eye site when awake, and eating coyote poop. Goldie is buried out here on the property and I hope that when GoogleEarth updates the satellite photo of my area, you will be able to spot the pyramid that marks her grave.
    this yur story touched me very much
    thinking in bringing a replacement pal from houston previous consultation

  8. thanks Pablo...but I'm really not interested in a new dog any time soon. BTW - Red means Republican.

  9. You get more done before noon than most of us do all day!

    I'm glad you chose Texas. We are a better state with you here.

  10. If a thermonuclear bomb ever hits terlingua I think your post will still be there.
