Tuesday, September 6, 2011

cow bonding...

Benita and family came in this morning with a new cow and calf in tow...threw off my whole day.  No construction - just tried to bond with the new two day old.  Not sure what sex it is till I see it pee but it's name is Valentine regardless.  Nice big heart shaped marking on the forehead.  Mom has quite an impressive rack.

So the day wasn't a total loss of production, I ordered a huge fresnel lens for further experiments.

Cooked my first whole chicken (a healthy free range chicken from Blue Water Natural Foods in Alpine) in the solar oven today.  81,93,56,0,B


  1. So dangerous, but so gentle in the first picture. I bet you'll be able to cook a few dogs with that lens.

  2. Heavens! Mother is indeed a beauty! Benita knew you'd love Valentine.

  3. What a cutie pie...two days old and she already has teeth!

    I see she has the same heart shape mark on her rear end. Good choice of name.

  4. JW didn't you find the taste of the solar cooked chicken amazing? Completely different to cooking it an other way.

    Next time try adding some veg to it - potatoes / carrots / tomatoes - the tomatoes add to the gravy flavour :)

  5. Now that's a chicken! Whar's yer trivet, foo?

    xo, Biggles

  6. I need cow poo for my earthen plaster...can I show up with a shovel?

  7. Beautiful Baby V, and great name btw. Chicken looks de-lish... fresnel lens are interesting... and have read many stories that had them in them in regard to lighthouses... one of my favorites was A Salty Piece of Land by Jimmy Buffet, a light and easy read.

  8. I'm impressed with that chicken John, how long did it take?

  9. Yup, that's a healthy looking set of horns on the black mama, and that little buck-toothed baby is mighty cute.

    The awesome power of the fresnel lens!

    Nice looking yard bird dinner. Bet it was yummy.
