Sunday, September 11, 2011


The good thing about moving stuff around is that you find things that no longer have any useful purpose.  If I keep doing that - the courtyard will be cleared altogether...eventually.  The trick is to find out of the way places to store the things that still have life in them.  Stacked some spare roofing outside the greenhouse and built a quick pallet bin for saved up cardboard to be used for compost.  Now I have some working room to finish closing up the east side.  87,98,60,0,B


  1. The trick is to move the stuff closer and closer to the door and then push it all outside.

  2. I need to build a few dozen of those where I can clean out the tank. I could use it to burn trash in and weld in.

  3. john : i found this site in which yu might register as a Host, where yu can find volunteer interns to work in many fields at yur Field Lab and learn -besides working- just for food dorm. It is very interesting give it a look. BEST for yu

    Help Exchange

  4. was looking at the web feed and was wondering if Valentine's mama had a name? If not, perhaps "Medianoche" would be suitable?

  5. I like the pallet bin.

    The inside of the Green House is looking better all the time. I still think you could store some small things on top of the north side containers. From this photo, the south side ones would not be good to store on top of due to the sun's rays hitting them a bit.

    Continued success and good health to you.

  6. Those fancy plant water catcher trays could easily go on top of one of your containers until next spring
