Wednesday, October 26, 2011

cutting dirt...

Started the heavy labor to prep for the pavers.  Setting block for a section that will be decked inside the courtyard off the future container house.  75,88,54,0,C


  1. I had to jack hammer frozen ground last winter to replace a main water line to my house (backhoe wouldn't cut through it). I thought that was extreme....cutting dirt is a whole new level of fun....I feel your pain!! Love your blog! (been lurking for a few months)

  2. hope you're wearing a good dust mask - seriously.

  3. If the soil is that hard will water drain thru or just puddle on your pavers?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Around our house cutting dirt is better than cutting the cheese.

    I'm curious to see how you are going to install the pavers.

    Is that a solar oven I see in a previous picture?

  6. Cutt'in dirt aka as the death of a circular saw.
    It will be all down hill for it now.

    Blow compressed air into all the intakes and exhausts of the saw and then run the saw and blow air into it. It will help but it's life is gonna be a short one.

  7. You all are missing the important question: How'd ya get that extension cord so wavy? It's perfectly wavy, like it was made that way. Are those burros from the previous day's photos wild? I want one.

  8. I know exactly what you mean! Every time I head to the 'Bend to camp, I have to bring a rock hammer and chisel to make holes for the tent stakes....!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Extension cords get wavy from being coiled tightly.

  11. Wavy and tightly coiled extension cords were never a reality for me - only the knotted kind.

  12. That's going to be a cozy little abode there in the corner of the greenhouse. I like the porch idea. I, too, thought the shoes were rather stylish. Also, I, too, am concerned for your saw. Hope it all turns out well.
