Friday, October 21, 2011

new corner...

Just acquired 20 more acres for the Field Lab Empire.  New chunk includes a 1/4 mile of canyon south of the former dam.  Marked the new SE corner by GPS today - greenhouse off in the distance.  Walked the entire length of the canyon today.  Finished up the afternoon helping the good neighbor work an a road project.  80,92,51,0,B


  1. Damn land baron! Want to buy mine?

  2. wow,good on you, John !
    so what's the "secret" plan ?
    will you start issuing passports to Wellland ?

  3. Congrats on the new land. I love that canyon.

  4. congrats on the purchase....use in good health

  5. Once in a canyon just like that one, I came across a set of big cat tracks so fresh the sand was still falling back in...had visions of him just waiting up on the rim.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. great purchase. Now all you have to do is keep the tax man from taking it.

  8. Long time ago there was a million pixel project in the web. Maybe you should start a million square feet project. Lease a square foot for tens years of visibility. Sell minimum of 10x10 square feet areas and place some organic ad there and photograph it on your blog. And yes, there should be a hot airballoon rides to marvel the landscaped ad from high above.

  9. To a foreigners ear arroyo sounds better than canyon.

  10. Woo Hoo! Benita won't be so cramped.

  11. Very nice to have some elbow room. You are in (almost) splendid isolation there in your wide valley. I like the idea of walking the canyon. Another "attraction" for the visitors?
