Monday, October 3, 2011

poatri vs. suber

Long day in Alpine today.  First stop - the courthouse to check in on the latest case involving our notorious HOA.  This was a hearing for a summery judgement and has been moved to a jury trial set for late November.  The outcome will have serious ramifications on the powers of Poatri to rule the ranch. 

Lunched with my best friend neighbor then went about my shopping detail.  Last stop was a visit to Texas Parks and Wildlife to discuss my dam project with my new friend Jonah.  Perhaps their Landowner Incentive Program will help me create a wildlife habitat here at TFL.

Didn't get home till 3:30 - found Benita waiting patiently for some attention.  Responded to an email from the U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service regarding a message I had sent about my endangered Terlingua Creek Cat's Eye plant.   Note to all:  I have yet to sign on the dotted line so there is no need to get your panties in a knot about partnering with the government about my issues here.  It's no secret what I am trying to achieve - several government agencies both domestic and military have already read my entire blog.  I kind of approve of tax dollars and phony printed money being thrown at nature as opposed to war and corporate greed.

Just ordered two more inverters since I'm running on my backup now.  I have one of these pure sine wave inverters that I have had in service for over 2 years with no problems.  When I bought it - it was $275 on sale...these are under $200 now.   and (thanks to a suggestion from a blog comment) I ordered a wild game camera to check up on just who is visiting the swamp. Might just help my prospects of habitat creation assistance and this one also has a time lapse feature which should come in handy down the road.  78,89,57,0,B


  1. "I kind of approve of tax dollars and phony printed money being thrown at nature as opposed to war and corporate greed."

    I do as well, but be assured that unless things are being blown up, only a trickle will go to it.

    Also, it may be worth considering what you will have to trade in order to do business with the US federal government. Control may be one thing.

    Walk carefully.

  2. After living these 77 years in this country I personally have no problem with paying taxes for the better of this country ,be it human or wildlife,We have so much to be thankful for I think we at time fell to see how blessed this country is .What we have is not free it comes at a price.This is one great NATION an I'm proud to have been a part of building it.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. What Ted said...

    An industrious day for you. Hope it all pans out in your favor.

    Love the new electronics.

  5. The more I read about that POATRI the scarier it gets.
    I have always been very wary about property associations and that one with the president having veto power is really scary.
    I have to ask why property owners have to subsidize a money loosing resort operation. ( Sounds like a liberal organization to me.) The annual fees paid by the property owners are out of line with what the association provides.
    That POA reminds me of Washington DC and like Washington DC the bums need to be thrown out.
    There has to be some special interest in there somewhere. Root it out and expose it.

  6. 800,000 acres in big bend national park is protected already , not to mention Big Bend State Park and the christmas mountains which together are over a million acres of protected wildlife land.

    I have no problem with a private person jumping on the band wagon on their own land and doing what they want on it, utilizing their own money. we need to pay more taxes for more ? Unless of course you feel that ALL PRIVATE AND PUBLIC LAND should be controlled by the government and protected from us.

  7. Ya know what John? Anyone who uses libraries, parks, public schools or drives on the roads use govt money. So I think the naysayers need to put a sock in it.

    Hoa's suck and I am a proud liberal.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. ... the Blue phone is ringing - incoming call from the Red phone...

    Benita is pretty much spot on with her comments on these subjects everyday - she leaves them decorating the ground, ready for composting... IMHO

  10. Susie makes a good point but public places like libraries can be accessed by citizens. If our tax money goes towards John's tank does that mean we all get to visit?

    I think it's a shame that your damn blew out and you are now out that money, but asking taxpayers to pay for a new one doesn't seem right to me.

    I did a quick google search and could not find anything about poatri vs suber. What is this lawsuit about?

    I have a lot of respect for this blog, the ideas that are discussed and the projects that are made and shared here so we can learn.

  11. Yahoo is your friend. Not Google.

  12. I am with Ted and Susie. I pay lots of taxes and if it helps improve wildlife in a place I'll never visit, who cares? I don't get to visit many things my tax dollars support.

  13. Not too long ago some government employee charged his girlfriends breast enhancement surgery on his government credit card, ( many other abuses of expense accounts have been documented). I am against those kinds of expenditures that we cannot visit.
    The real point is , why spend more money on more wildlife preserves when we already have millions of acres all around us for just that. Especially when the country is in such poor shape financially? Can you think of a better place to put yer money ? Maybe we can build a wall around California to keep the spending disease from growing.

  14. "I kind of approve of tax dollars and phony printed money being thrown at nature as opposed to war and corporate greed."

    Exactly! There are many better places to cut spending from than from wildlife support. Some of the presidential candidates even want to disband the EPA, which is astounding.

  15. Rule#1 about living free-ish, don't buy any real estate that has a HOA/POA. Nothing but a legalized protection racket rip-off that uses your hard-earned wealth against you.

  16. Fix the problem at the source. If you don't want tax dollars paying for John's tank/dam/etc. then talk to your representatives, vote and change the way the tax money is allocated and spent.

    If I were Jon I would use as much of the tax dollars as possible - if they're [gov] going to waste it I'd rather they waste it on me than someone/something else.

    John, I bet you could get an EBT (food stamp) card as well!

  17. Roughin it, my money helps keep the pentagon up and running but I will probably never have access to it. In the meantime I still benefit from the safety it provides me and you with. I dont have to have public access to have benefits to where the tax money is used on.

  18. Corp. greed is a very big brush, my corp only made $8000.00 last year and I paid my fair share. I learned a lesson about bringing the government in on anything, they are kinda like the mafia they give a little, but expect everything.

  19. Oh yeah, since you are building they will most likely need engineered plans,OSHA and union workers. Or how about we all jump in and help you do it like they used to. I am game.
