Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Hares

Formed and poured the north deck footing.  Parts for the south pour magically fit this side - as if I had planned it all along.  Was just finishing up when the Hares arrived for their 3rd annual cookoff visit to TFL.  53,61,39,0,B


  1. Thought they might stop by here again and they might have, but I made the Alpine ride share today instead of tomorrow so I was gone all day.

  2. the desert is about to come alive with 2-legged critters.

  3. Looks like an interesting blog, S mentioned it on her blog, I'll follow you for a while.

  4. Thanks for hosting us again, John. It was, as usual, a delight to visit you and see your design and engineering expertise up close.
    Sorry we missed you this time, tffnguy. We were trying to make it up to Taos by nightfall, and, of course we didn't.
